
Peter Warren Singer

Peter is a sought-after keynote speaker who has captivated audiences across the globe, from the White House Situation Room to the Sydney Opera House. With a reputation for delivering thought-provoking insights, Singer has spoken at the Pentagon, NSA, CIA, FBI, US Congress, the Royal Court of the UAE, Australian Parliament, TED, SXSW, and leading industry events like Microsoft’s Leadership Summit and Google’s “Geek Week.” Whether addressing world leaders, innovators, or change-makers, brings expertise, energy, and a unique perspective to every stage.


Strategic Narrative:

How to Use The Power of a Story Well Told

AI and Robots:

As Science Fiction Turns Real, What Do We Need to Know?

How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders

The CyberThreatscape:

What are the Key Trends in Cybersecurity


The Future of Technology, Security, and Threats


The World of AI and Robots Turns Real

Cybersecurity and Cyberwar:

What Everyone Needs to Know

Imagining the Future:

Ghost Fleet and Its Real World Lessons

1. Strategic Narrative:

How to Use The Power of a Story Well Told


How do we better share new ideas and influence target audiences? How do we better understand and prepare for the future? How do we comprehend new trends and technologies? One answer may be to enlist the power of the oldest communication technology of all –story. Described in the Wall Street Journal as “the premier futurist in the national-security environment,” P.W. Singer is a best-selling author of both nonfiction and fiction, whose work at the intersection of strategic foresight, discovery, and narrative has been featured in media like The Economist and Wired. He is also the founder of Useful Fiction LLC, a company that aids organizations in “telling their story” more effectively. Having worked for groups that range from the US military and CIA to Hollywood and the most popular video game in history, he will explain the “why” of narrative and “how” best to tell a useful story.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

2. AI and Robots:

As Science Fiction Turns Real, What Do We Need to Know?


Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. The next decade will see a range of exciting new technologies that all seem drawn from Science Fiction become our reality. They will drive a new industrial revolution, but also create political, economic, and security trends that will remake our world, challenging us like never before. P.W. Singer has been described by the Wall Street Journal as “the premier futurist in the national-security environment,” an official “Mad Scientist” for the U.S. Army, and consults for groups that range from the CIA and the Pentagon to Hollywood. A best-selling author of multiple books of fiction and non-fiction, Singer uses an exciting speaking style to explore for an audience the key trends and questions emerging today that will shape the world of tomorrow.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

3. How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders


For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

4. How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders


For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

5. How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders


For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

6. How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders


For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

7. How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders


For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

8. How Ukraine Won The #LikeWar:

Communication Lessons for Leaders


For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.

“Shared valuable insights, bringing great impact on us and the audience…Your story ignited the following discussions.”

“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”

“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”

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